Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Butter, a can of tomatoes, and half an onion = tomato soup

(And some water and salt)

That's all you need.

Well, and let's be honest... it's a lot easier if you also have an immersion blender. Which you probably should.

And to be fair, I also went ahead and fancied it up since I happened to have a couple sprigs of fresh basil and some white pepper. But those are really unnecessary. The bottom line is this is a super simple and delicious soup.

The basic recipe comes from Inspired Taste and they will tell you the full background story, so check it out:

I will post my ever-so-slightly-more-complicated variant here:


  • 1/4 cup (4 tbs) butter
  • 1 800mL (28 oz) can of tomatoes - I'd go with low sodium and either whole or diced but it doesn't really matter
  • 1/2 an onion, peeled and chopped into large chunks
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups water (I added about 1/2 tsp of "better than bullion" to mine)
  • entirely optional: 1/8 tsp white pepper
  • entirely optional: a small handful of fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped



  1. Decide if you're making a single or double batch (you might want more)
  2. Get out a suitably-sized pot and put it on medium-high heat
  3. Melt the butter in the pot
  4. Add the onion. You can cook it for a couple of minutes if you want or just continue immediately to the next step.
  5. Add the can of tomatoes with all juice/pulp. 
  6. Add the water or broth (don't forget to swish some of it around in the tomato juice can to get out all the yummy tomatoeyness)
  7. Add the salt
  8. Give it all a stir and bring to a boil - reduce heat to a simmer and set a timer for 40 minutes.
  9. Give it a stir once in a while as you wait for the timer.
  10. Toss in the extra seasonings if you're using them
  11. Blend.
  12. Serve, ideally with glorious homemade toasted sourdough bread that your awesome housemate baked.