Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pesach Cake

The ever-elusive Pesach Cake recipe
This is a no-flour, no leavening cake that is traditional for Pesach/Passover.

Had no slivered almonds, so I used all sliced


  • 6 (large) eggs, separated
  • 250g caster sugar (or use berry sugar OR take regular white sugar and process in food processor until it is very fine)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • rind of 1/2 lemon
  • 250g finely ground mixed nuts (eg. almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) 


  • 100g semi-sweet dark chocolate
  • smooth apricot jam
  • slivered and sliced almonds to decorate


Making the Cake

  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Line a springform pan with parchment paper on the bottom and grease well up sides and on the parchment
  3. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks in one bowl and set aside
  4. In another bowl, beat egg yolks until creamy. Beat in sugar, salt, and lemon rind.
  5. To the yolk mixture, add the ground nuts and mix gently by hand
  6. Gently fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture, taking your time to reach an even consistency
  7. Pour the cake batter into the pan. Bake 35-40 mins.
  8. Allow the cake to cool slightly before opening the springform pan and flipping the cake onto a cooling rack. You may want to grease the cooling rack first, as the cake always sticks to it otherwise! Remove the pan bottom and parchment


  1. Once the cake has cooled, flip onto a serving platter (or first flip on an intermediate plate then flip upside-down again as the bottom surface may be smoother)
  2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or a double-boiler (if using a microwave, stir frequently and melt in short bursts to avoid lumps). 
  3. Depending on your chocolate, you may want to carefully stir in 2-4tbs boiling hot water to make it a little runnier and easier to spread (we didn't have to do this).
  4. Using a rubber spatula, spread a thin layer of apricot jam all over the top and sides of the cake.
  5. Spread a thin layer of the melted chocolate over top of the jam on the top and sides of the cake
  6. Use the slivered and sliced almonds to decorate (traditional for Pesach is a Magen David on top and some sliced almonds pressed into the sides)

The best way to prepare tofu

Simple, sure-fire, quick way to prepare tofu for snacking or using in any other recipe. If you do this, it will taste way better than if you just use the tofu straight from the fridge.
Recipe comes from Cookie and Kate - check out her site for way more info and fantastic recipe ideas:


  • 1 block extra-firm tofu
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 tbs soya sauce
  • 1 tbs corn starch


  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Rinse the tofu
  3. Squish as much water out of the tofu as you can: 
  • slice it into 3(ish) big slabs
  • lay them out on a plate or board with a clean tea towel folded underneath
  • cover with another folded tea towel 
  • put another plat or board on top with something heavy on that (eg. a big stack of plates or a cast iron pan)
  • leave as long as you can, within reason (up to 30 min or so, but even just 5-10 helps
  1.  Cut the slabs of tofu into bite-sized chunks or fingers of your preferred dimensions
  2. Put tofu in a large bowl and toss with the olive oil
  3. Add the soya sauce and toss to coat again
  4. Add the cornstarch and toss once more. Don't worry if the coverage isn't perfect.
  5. Spread out in one layer over a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
  6. Bake 25-30 minutes, flipping tofu about halfway through

Tofu should be crispy and tasty! Dip it in peanut sauce as a tasty snack or add to a stir fry or thai curry or whatever else you feel like making with tofu.

Awesome no-cook peanut sauce

It's from Cookie and Kate.
This version is simplified a little teeny bit, so check out the original for more ideas.
It's so good. The kids love it on everything!


  • 3/4 cups peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar (I have replaced with apple cider but it was a bit strong - I'd reduce the quantity)
  • 1/3 cup soya sauce
  • 3 tbs honey
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger (or use 1.5 tsp fresh)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2-4 tbs water


  1. Mix everything together except the water
  2. Add water as needed to get to the desired consistency. It will be a bit runny.
That's it!
Dip stuff in or add to a bland stir fry.
Make rice bowls and pour over top.
Do as you wish. Maybe don't put it on ice cream though..

Quick Cabbage Roll Stew

waaayyy easier than making cabbage rolls, and also way tastier!
Based on: 

The recipe calls for pre-cooked rice, so if you don't happen to have some in the fridge, go get some started right now!


  • 2-4 cups of cooked rice (just put in whatever you happen to have leftover - it could even be less or probably omitted altogether)
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 large can diced tomatoes (240mL, I think)
  • a good squirt of ketchup, to your taste (or tomato paste. might want to add a touch of sugar to balance acidity if you choose not to use ketchup)
  • 1 tbs worcestershire sauce (or put a little soya sauce if you don't have this)
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 medium - large onion, diced small
  • 3-4 garlic clovers, minced
  • 1 small-medium head of green cabbage, sliced and diced into bite-sized pieces
  • 2-3 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • pinch of cayenne
  • chopped fresh parsley (makes a big difference if you have it!)


  1. Heat a large dutch oven or pot on the stove over medium-high heat
  2. Add olive oil, ground beef, and onions. Break up the ground beef with a spatula as it cooks. Stir frequently. Cook about 5-7 minutes or until beef is cooked and onions are soft.
  3. Add garlic and cook about a minute, stirring often
  4. Add cabbage, rice, tomatoes (including juice), 2 tsp salt, pepper, and paprika. Stir to combine. Cook about 2-3 minutes until it comes to a simmer
  5. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook covered for about 10 minutes (until the cabbage is tender)
  6. Taste - add ketchup, worcestershire sauce, additional salt if you like, and the cayenne. Stir to combine.
  7. Garnish or stir in the parsley.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Another Easy Tasty Way to Bake Cod

Almost identical to


  • about 800g of cod pieces
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/4 cup most-of-the-way melted butter
  • 2 tbs grated parmesan
  • 1 tbs flour
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • smidge of dijon mustard (up to 1tsp if you actually like mustard)
  • juice of 1 lemon or lime
  • lemon slices to tuck around the fish


  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Grease a 9x13 baking dish
  3. Place cod fillets in the baking dish. Season with a moderately generous amount of salt and pepper
  4. Combine remaining ingredients (except lemon slices) in a small bowl
  5. Spread the butter mixture over the fish
  6. Arrange some lemon slices around the fish
  7. Bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of your fish