Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Beety nutty salad

I go through phases when it comes to salads... this is my latest obsession!


  • lettuce
  • toasted slivered almonds and sunflower seeds (I don't normally like sunflower seeds, but they definitely add something to this salad!)
  • grated beets or beets and carrots (in the salad pictured above I used golden beets and no carrots but any combo of beetiness and carroty-ness is great)
  •  thinly sliced bell peppers
  • feta cheese if you happen to have it
  • whatever else you feel like putting in there - it's a salad, it's flexible! 


  • roughly equal parts oil and apple cider vinegar (to match the rest of the ingredients here, say about 1/3 cup each)
  • a large teaspoon full of honey 
  • a small clove of minced garlic
  • 1/8 tsp grainy dijon mustard (since I don't like mustard I put very little)
  • salt + pepper

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