Monday, July 24, 2017

Super Simple Sauteed Zucchini

I had a bunch of cut up zucchini sitting in the fridge that needed eating.  I decided to just keep it simple and fry it up as a side dish for our picnic lunch.  Often I find myself thinking I need to make something complicated for it to be good, but I have been trying to remind myself lately that simple is good too, and often more baby-friendly.

Ready to picnic!


  • some quantity of zucchini, cut up into whatever size and shape you like (mine were sliced and halved/quartered)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • olive oil
  • splash of soya sauce
  • pepper


  1. Heat oil in pan
  2. Add garlic, fry till fragrant
  3. Add zucchini - sauté just until outsides don't look raw
  4. Add the splash of soya sauce (not too much) and toss to coat zucchini
  5. Fry until the steam starts to die down a little and the zucchini is still firm 
  6. Grind some fresh pepper over it and remove from heat
It feels so decadent and delightful to add a little cooked side dish like this to sandwiches or leftovers or whatever easy lunch you're making. And it only takes a few minutes, especially if your zucchini happens to be cut up ahead of time!

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