Sunday, January 7, 2018

Teriyaki Fish (Salmon) Fillets with Asian Salsa on Brown Rice

Ok this was a good dinner I happened to come up with tonight. And super quick/easy to make! Worthy of writing down and sharing. I served myself a second mini-helping just so I could take a picture (and well also because it was good!)

The first serving was much bigger!
A great opportunity to use the multi-slicing tool our neighbours brought back from Vietnam



  • fish fillets (in our case, sockeye salmon)
  • soya sauce
  • rice wine vinegar
  • maple syrup
  • sliced lemon (optional)
  • black pepper

Asian Salsa

  • finely sliced carrot sticks
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • a few inches' worth of cucumber, diced 
  • chopped cilantro
  • finely chopped roasted peanuts (optional)


  • ~2 tbs rice wine vinegar
  • ~1 tbs fish sauce
  • ~1/2 tbs white sugar
  • ~1 tsp chili sauce (sambal olek)
  • ~1 tbs olive oil
  • drizzle of sesame oil


I. Rice

  1. Start cooking some brown rice so that it will be ready in time
  2. For extra rich and tastiness, stir 1 tbs of butter into the cooked rice prior to serving

II. Asian Salsa

  1. Mix dressing ingredients together in a small dish
  2. If you happen to have a fancy slicing and dicing tool from Vietnam then you can use it to make fun shapes with your veggies like nice fine carrot strips and squiggly cucumber chunks!
  3. Put the chopped carrots, cucumber, tomato, and cilantro in a bowl 
  4. Toss the veggies with the dressing
  5. Sprinkle the chopped peanuts over top

III. Fish Fillets

  1. Preheat oven to 400C
  2. Drizzle a little olive oil in a pyrex baking dish. Place fish fillets skin side down in the oiled pan
  3. Drizzle roughly equal parts soya sauce, olive oil, and rice wine vinegar over each fillet (I didn't use too much)
  4. Drizzle the fillets with maple syrup to your taste (I used less of the maple syrup than the other drizzles)
  5. Place a slice of fresh lemon on each fillet and grind some pepper over top
  6. Put the dish in the oven and bake for roughly 8-10 minutes for 1 inch thick fillets (adjust time based on thickness)
Serve either on plates or as rice bowls.

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