Monday, October 29, 2018

Simple Tasty Stir Fry


  • broccoli florets
  • mushrooms, quartered or sliced
  • other sliced veggies of your liking or that you happen to have (carrots, cauliflower, snow peas, onion, etc)
  • splash of soy sauce (say 1-2 tbs or so)
  • splash of sesame oil (say 1/2 tbs or so)
  • splash of water (about 1/4 cup?)
  •  oil (I just use olive oil)


  1. Heat oil in pan on high
  2. Add the veggies and stir for a few minutes until they are coated with oil and starting to look a bit cooked/browned
  3. Add the water and cover with a lid to steam the veggies. Leave to cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Check for desired level of done-ness - go with a little underdone instead of a little overdone!
  5. Add the soy sauce and sesame oil, stir it all up, and remove from the heat

If you want to get all fancy, here are a few ideas to jazz it up...
  • toast some slivered almonds and/or sesame seeds before you put the oil in the pan then set aside to sprinkle on top at the end
  • add some minced garlic and/or ginger to the pan with the oil before anything else
  • fry some meat (either plain or dipped in beaten egg then a flour/salt/pepper mixture) before cooking the veggies - I'd cook the meat first, remove it from the pan to do the veggies, then add it in at the end with the sauces
  • grind some pepper on at the end?

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